Can dogs eat watermelon? Is watermelon good for dogs?

shub singh
8 min readFeb 13, 2022
Can dogs eat watermelon

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Can we give some watermelon to our furry friend or does it hurt?

The answer is yes, but with some precautions.

Watermelon is one of the most consumed fruit by man in the world. Especially during the warm seasons, we enjoy its flavor and freshness, eating it like fruit, making smoothies, or delicious desserts. But is watermelon good for dogs?

In this AnimalPedia article, we will talk about the benefits of watermelon, detailing its nutritional values, and answer the question: “ Can you give watermelon to your dog? “ Read on to find out if this is one of the prohibited foods for dogs or not.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Can dogs eat watermelon

The watermelon’s nutritional values ​​are good for both humans and dogs. So, can dogs eat watermelon? The answer is yes, as it is a food that provides them with large doses of water, which is necessary to keep them well hydrated during the summer.

Likewise, it is not part of the Toxic Product List provided by the ASPCA, Pet Poison Helpline.

Now, it is important to know that we cannot give our dog all the amount of watermelon we want, there is a limit and in this article, we will explain both the benefits of this fruit and the ways to offer it, so that it can be appreciated by ours. four-legged friend.

Nutritional values ​​of watermelon for dogs

According to data obtained by searching the US Department of Agriculture database, 100 grams of natural watermelon contains the following nutritional values:

  • Water: 91.45 g
  • Calories: 30 kcal
  • Protein: 0.61 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7.55 g
  • Fiber: 0.4 g
  • Sugars: 6.2 g
  • Calcium: 7.7 mg
  • Iron: 0.24 mg
  • Magnesium: 10 mg
  • Phosphorus: 11 mg
  • Potassium: 112 mg
  • Sodium: 1 mg
  • Zinc: 0.10 mg
  • Vitamin C: 8.1 mg
  • Vitamin A: 28 µg
  • Total Vitamin B: 0.30 mg
  • Vitamin E: 0.05 mg
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.016 g
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids: 0.037 g
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: 0.05 g

Is watermelon good for dogs?

Can dogs eat watermelon

In the same way that it has multiple health properties, watermelon is very good for dogs.

In fact, the previous nutritional values ​​translate into the following benefits and properties :

Citrulline acts as an intermediary in the synthesis of arginine, an essential amino acid for promoting the creation of proteins in the body, and acts as a vasodilator. In this way, it is good for preventing and treating cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, citrulline promotes muscle recovery, so it’s ideal for dogs that get a lot of exercise throughout the day.

Watermelon has important diuretic and digestive properties, so its consumption is recommended to cleanse the intestine and regulate intestinal transit.

It is also recommended for patients with constipation due to its high water and fiber content.

Its antioxidant properties are very useful in preventing dog cell oxidation, which is an improvement for their overall health as it strengthens their immune system.

By improving the dog’s immune system, it is possible to prevent or delay the development of degenerative diseases.

Each of the vitamins and minerals present in watermelon has different functions for our animal’s body.

For example, calcium is good for maintaining bone health in perfect condition, iron can prevent and fight anemia, vitamin A promotes vision, and vitamin C is needed to be able to absorb iron properly.

Precisely for this reason, by letting our dog eat watermelon we ensure that his general health improves

As we saw in the previous section, 100 grams of watermelon contains 30 calories, a very low amount.

For this reason, it is an ideal fruit for both overweight dogs and those falling within their ideal weight.

Thanks to the fact that 90% of the fruit is water, watermelon is highly recommended in the warmer months to keep dogs hydrated and cool.

Heatstroke causes a series of negative reactions and consequences in the animal suffering from suffered dehydration and the loss of sugars. Therefore, it is best to prevent this from happening.

Is watermelon bad for dogs?

Despite the benefits of watermelon to dogs, there is a downside that needs to be considered. Watermelon is one of the fruits with a higher percentage of sugars, which is totally counterproductive for dogs.

Therefore, given in large quantities, watermelon could raise blood glucose levels and promote obesity. With adequate doses, this risk is not run.

Also, you should consult your veterinarian regarding the consumption of watermelon in dogs with:

How to Feed a Dog Watermelon?

Dogs can eat watermelon, yes, but how should we give it to them for them to benefit?

It is best to offer peeled and seedless pieces of fruit, as although watermelon is not toxic to dogs, these parts of the fruit can be.

So, is watermelon peel bad for dogs?

Yes and no.

In the peel, there are large doses of fiber, minerals, vitamins, and sugars, so depending on the condition of the dog, it will be good to give it or not.

Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that the dog is an animal that does not need to ingest a lot of fiber, sugars, or certain minerals.

Therefore, we recommend removing it to give only the pulp, although, and this we emphasize, there have been no cases of poisoning or stomach problems due to its consumption.

Since this is a fruit with a lot of sugar, it is definitely not a good idea to offer it to the dog every day. Ideally, small portions can be given as a reward or snack every now and then.

If this is the first time your dog has eaten watermelon, you need to offer a very small piece and observe his reaction to make sure he tolerates the fruit well and is not allergic.

Yes, even puppies can eat watermelon by following the instructions that have been given in this article and observing some precautions. Since a puppy’s digestive system is still developing, new foods need to be introduced gradually.

What to avoid While Feeding watermelon to a dog?

Snacks of any kind should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily calories according to recommendations from the Dogs Trust charity.

Whatever size your dog is, follow this rule when determining how much watermelon to feed him, remembering that a 100g serving of watermelon contains around 30 calories.

Even though your dog may be staring at you with his big eyes, remember that he is absolutely happy to eat his usual dog food every day.

So, even if you feel tempted to share a snack from time to time, it is preferable for your dog to get the nutrients he needs from the pet foods you feed him daily.

Before giving your dog any human food, make sure by talking to your vet that there is no problem doing this.

Although watermelon can be a healthy snack for many dogs, it’s best to confirm that it won’t have any negative effects on your dog’s unique digestive system.

Next time you go on a picnic, you can then cheerfully share a few pieces of seedless watermelon with your dog. Provided it is given safely and in moderation, watermelon is a great snack for a dog.

How much watermelons Can I feed My Dog?

If the 4-legged friend is still a puppy, you must give him very small doses of watermelon, otherwise, he will have gastrointestinal problems or even more frequent urination.

We must give watermelon to the dog without peel and, most importantly, without seeds: both will be difficult for our four-legged friend to digest and will increase the risk of dental disease and cavities.

Last warning: the dog may have some allergy to watermelon and we don’t know.

To find out, just give it a little at a time and not very often: if our 4-legged friend shows negative signs that you have never seen before, stop giving him immediately!

Watermelon as a snack: how much can my dog eat?

In the dog’s diet, snacks or extra snacks should not exceed 10% of the total calories of the diet, while for fruit and vegetables the limit can be extended to 20%.

Take for example a dog that weighs 12 kg: this will have a caloric requirement that fluctuates between 500 and 750 calories every day.

This requirement may vary based on age, sex, whether the animal is neutered or not, and obviously based on the amount of physical exercise it carries out daily.

But watermelon isn’t just calories! With this dosage, the daily dose of vitamin A recommended by experts would be greatly exceeded: it will therefore be Vitamin A that we will consider as a limiting factor for the correct dose.

For our 12 kg dog, the right amount of watermelon to provide fluctuates between 50 and 75 grams per day.

Try freezing the watermelon wedge in the right dose for your dog: he will love it!

The ideal would be to alternate it with another fruit, such as banana or strawberry. On the other hand, grapes (absolutely to be avoided!) And walnuts are not recommended.

Is watermelon peel bad for dogs?

Watermelon peel is not poisonous to dogs, but it should not be given for 2 reasons:

  1. to avoid the risk of suffocation;
  2. because it is not digestible for the dog.

As for seeds, these pose a problem for small breed dogs as they may cause intestinal obstruction. For large dogs, this risk is much lower, but always better to avoid! Before serving the watermelon to the dog, remove the seeds and peel.

What if the dog ate watermelon peel or seeds?

Do not panic, in most cases, there will be no serious consequences: however, it is useful to keep it under observation for at least 24 hours. If your dog is unwell, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What to do if the dog eats too much watermelon?

If your dog has accidentally eaten too much watermelon, he will likely develop diarrhea.

Observe your dog carefully for the next 24 hours.
If diarrhea has not improved after 24 hours, consult your veterinarian.

Caution !! The information shown is not medical advice and may not be accurate. The contents are for illustrative purposes only and do not replace medical advice.

How to recognize a good watermelon?

To recognize a good watermelon it is necessary to observe the peel. The streaks must be wide and the peel must be well pulled.

Furthermore, by touching the skin with the knuckles, it is possible to understand if the watermelon is good through the sound it makes. The sound emanates from a good watermelon and a crisp sound.

Ultimately, dogs can eat watermelon, but the important thing is not to overdo it.

The recommended doses are about 1–2 pieces for small dogs and 2–3 for medium and large dogs.

However, always try to take the advice of your veterinarian who can recommend the best quantities based on the health and size of your dog.


Last Note-

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